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Letra Música Johnny Boy – Twenty One Pilots

He stays home for work this time
He never really told his wife
He never really told a lie but this time he decides that it’s alright
It’s alright
No one really knows his mind and no one knows behind his eyes
The man deserves a medal
But he’s never really won a prize before
He goes to lock the door
He is falling in love
He knows it’s enough
And the world looks down and frowns

Get up johnny boy, get up johnny boy
Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground
You’re my pride and joy, you’re my pride and joy
Get up johnny boy because we all need you now

We all need you now

Someone said where you going
Someone said to you goodbye
They deflect the disrespect when they say that they blame it on the times
They blame it on the time
We all know you’re qualified to fix a chair and love your wife
They all know you’re qualified but they lie when they blame it on the times
And we blame it on the times

He is falling in love
He knows it’s enough
And the world looks down and frowns

Get up johnny boy, get up johnny boy
Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground
You’re my pride and joy, you’re my pride and joy
Get up johnny boy because we all need you now

We all need you now

I will carry all your names and I will carry all your shame
And I will carry all your names and I will carry all your shame
And I will carry all your names and I will carry all your shame

Get up johnny boy, get up johnny boy
Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground
You’re my pride and joy, you’re my pride and joy
Get up johnny boy because we all need you now
Get up johnny boy, get up johnny boy
Get up cause the world has left you lying on the ground
You’re my pride and joy, you’re my pride and joy
Get up johnny boy because we all need you now

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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