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Letra Música Hometown – Twenty One Pilots

My shadow tilts its head at me
Spirits in the dark are waiting
I will let the wind go quietly
I will let the wind go quietly
Be the one, be the one
To take my soul and make it undone
Be the one, be the one
To take me home and show me the sun
I know, I know
You can bring the fire, I can bring the bones
I know, I know
You’ll make the fire, my bones will make it grow

Where we’re from, there’s no sun
Our hometown’s in the dark
Where we’re from, we’re no one
Our hometown’s in the dark
Our hometown’s in the dark

My shadow tilts its head at me
Spirits in the dark are waiting
I will let the wind go quietly
I will let the wind go quietly

Put away, put away
All the gods your father served today
Put away, put away
Your traditions, believe me when I say
We don’t know, we don’t know
How to put back the power in our soul
We don’t know, we don’t know
Where to find what once was in our bones

Where we’re from, there’s no sun
Our hometown’s in the dark
Where we’re from, we’re no one
Our hometown’s in the dark
Our hometown’s in the dark

My shadow tilts its head at me
Spirits in the dark are waiting
I will let the wind go quietly
I will let the wind go quietly

Where we’re from, there’s no sun
Our hometown’s in the dark
Where we’re from, we’re no one
Our hometown’s in the dark

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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