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Letra Música I’ll Keep You Safe – Sleeping At Last

I’ll keep you safe
Try hard to concentrate
Hold out your hand
Can you feel the weight of it?
The whole world at your fingertips
Don’t be, don’t be afraid
Our mistakes, they were bound to be made
But I promise you I’ll keep you safe

You’ll be an architect
So pull up your sleeves
And build a new silhouette
In the skylines up ahead

Don’t be, don’t be afraid
Our mistakes, they were bound to be made
But I promise you I’ll keep you safe
I’ll keep you safe

Your darkness will be rewritten
Into a work of fiction, you’ll see
As you pull on every ribbon
You’ll find every secret it keeps

The sound of the branches
Breaking under your feet
The smell of the falling
And burning of leaves
The bitterness of winter
Or the sweetness of spring
You are an artist
Your heart is your masterpiece

And I’ll keep it safe

Dismiss the invisible
By giving it shape
Like a clockmaker fixes time
By keeping the gears in line

Don’t be, no don’t be afraid
God knows, our mistakes will be made
But I promise you I’ll keep you safe

As you build up your collection
Of pearls that you pulled from the deep
A landscape more beautiful
Than anything that I’ve ever seen

The sound of the branches
Breaking under your feet
The smell of the falling
And burning of leaves
The bitterness of winter
Or the sweetness of spring
You are an artist
Your heart is your masterpiece

And I’ll keep it safe

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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