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Letra Música Earth – Sleeping At Last

I dig till my shovel tells a secret
Swear to the earth that I will keep it
Brush off the dirt
And let my change of heart occur
Sold soon after the appraisal
The hammer struck the auction table
Louder than anything I’ve ever heard

Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house
But I put it out of my mind
Long enough to call it courage
To live without a lifeline
I bend the definition
Of faith to exonerate my blind eye
Till the sirens sound, I’m safe

Meanwhile, my family’s taking shelter
The sparks send the fire down the wire
A countdown begins
Until the dynamite gives in

The echo, as wide as the equator
Travels through a world of built up anger
Too late to pull itself together now

Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house
But I put it out of my mind
Long enough to call it courage
To live without a lifeline
I bend the definition
Of faith to exonerate my blind eye
Till the sirens sound, I’m safe

There was an earthquake
There was an avalanche of change
We were so afraid
We cried ourselves a hurricane
There were floods
Tidal waves over us
We folded our hands and prayed
Like a domino
These wildfires grow and grow
Until a brand new world takes shape

Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house
But I put it out of my mind
Long enough to call it courage
To live without a lifeline
I bend the definition
Of faith to exonerate my blind eye
Till the sirens sound, I’m safe
Till the sirens sound, I’m safe
Till the sirens sound, I’m safe

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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