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Letra Música Smoke Signals – Phoebe Bridgers

I went with you up to
The place you grew up in
We spent a week in the cold
Just long enough to
Walden it with you
Any longer, it would have got old
Singing Ace of Spades when Lemmy died
But nothing’s changed, L.A.’s all right
Sleeping in my bed again, and getting in my head
And then walk around the reservoir
You, you must have been looking for me
Sending smoke signals
Pelicans circling
Burning trash out on the beach

One of your eyes is
Always half-shut
Something happened when you were a kid
I didn’t know you then
And I’ll never understand
Why it feels like I did
How Soon Is Now in an ’80s sedan
You slept inside of it because your dad
Lived in a campground in the back of a van
You said that song will creep you out until you’re dead

You, you must have been looking for me
Sending smoke signals
Pelicans circling
Burning trash out on the beach

I want to live at
The Holiday Inn
Where somebody else makes the bed
We’ll watch TV while
The lights on the street
Put all the stars to death
It’s been on my mind since Bowie died
Just checking out to hide from life
And all of our problems, I’m gonna solve ‘em
With you riding shot-gun, speeding, ‘cause fuck the cops

And you, you must have been looking for me
Sending smoke signals
Pelicans circling
Burning trash out on the beach

I buried a hatchet
It’s coming up lavender
The future’s unwritten
The past is a corridor
I’m at the exit looking back through the hall
You are anonymous
I am a concrete wall

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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