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Letra Música Holes – Passenger

I know a man with nothing in his hands, nothing but a rolling stone
He told me about when his house burnt down, he lost everything he owned
He lay asleep for six whole weeks, they were gonna ask his mother to choose
When he woke up with nothing he said I’ll tell you something
When you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose
Now I’ve got a hole in my pocket, a hole in my shirt, a whole lot of trouble, he said
But now the money’s gone, life carries on and I miss it like a hole in the head
I know a woman with kids around her ankles an a baby on her lap
She said one day her husband went to get a paper and the mother fucker never came back
Mortgage to pay and four kids to raise, keeping the wolf from the door
She said the wolf’s just a puppy and the door’s double locked so why you gotta worry me for
Now he left a hole in my heart a hole in a promise a hole on the side of my bed
Oh but now that he’s gone well life carries on and I miss him like a hole in the head

Well sometimes you can’t change and you can’t choose
And sometimes it seems you gain less than you lose
Now we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Well we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on

Well we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Well we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on
Said we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Well we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on

Said we’ve got holes in our hearts, we’ve got holes in our lives
We’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on

Said we’ve got holes in our hearts, we’ve got holes in our lives
We’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on
Said we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Well we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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