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Letra Música Crack Baby – Mitski

Down empty streets sniffing glue me and you
Blank open eyes watch the moonflower bloom
It’s been a long hard twenty-year summer vacation
All these twenty years trying to fill the void
Crack baby you don’t know what you want
But you know that you had it once
And you know that you want it back
Crack baby you don’t know what you want

But you know that you’re needing it
And you know that you need it bad
With wild horses running through your hollow bones
Wild horses running through your hollow bones

Went to your room thinking maybe you’ll feel something
But all I saw was your burning body waiting
All these twenty years on a vacation

Crack baby you don’t know what you want
But you know that you had it once
And you know that you want it back
Crack baby you don’t know what you want

But you know that you’re needing it
And you know that you need it bad
Crack baby you don’t know what you want
But you know that you want it

Yeah you know that you want it
You know that you
Crack baby you don’t know what you want
But you know that you need it
And you know that you need it bad

With wild horses running through your hollow bones
Wild horses running through your hollow bones
Wild horses running through your hollow bones
Wild horses running through your hollow bones

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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Trabalho intelectual

por Alessandra V. de Albuquerque*
Optei por tirar o aparelho e não pagar. Achei um abuso. Fez bem a cabeleireira que se negou a reconhecer o trabalho alheio. Afinal, se a sua cliente não tiver dinheiro para pagar a escova, …

A quem é de direito