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Letra Música am i not enough for now? – MARO

And I know that I’m the one you want
And I know that you would choose me over anybody else
And I know that I’m the one you love
But then, why you go and be with everybody else
And I know that I’m the one you want
And I know that you would choose me over anybody else
And I know that I’m the one you love
But then, why you go and be with everybody else
I don’t wanna hear it
When you wanna talk about being with other people
Like, what do you mean?
Am I not enough for now? We just wеnt official

Two weeks in and you got your fingertips on somebody
While I still got your prints on my body
I’m just surprisеd, not gonna lie (tê-á-ê-orê)
I get that you don’t want to spend your life in a box
That there’s more to life than just us
But again, we just started

Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough for now?

Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough for now?

The first time you did it, if I’m gonna be honest
Oh, it brought me to tears, no (tiré-rérirê-rê)
And less than a week later, you told me you did it again
(Oh, you gotta be kidding) oh no, why don’t we quit this?

Two weeks in and you got your fingertips on somebody
While I still got your prints on my body
I’m just surprised, not gonna lie
I get that you don’t want to spend your life in a box
That there’s more to life than just us
But again, we just started

Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough for now?

Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough? Oh
Am I not enough?
Am I not enough for now?

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