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Letra Música Anything But – Hozier

Come here to me, I wish I was a may fly on the river tay
I’d fit all my joys and my pleasures in one perfect day
I wish I was the sunlight just sitting on the Mississippi
I’d settle for a shopping trolley in the liffey
In a shot I’d swap my body for a body of water
Worry the cliff side top as a wave crashing over
I’d lower the world in a flood or better yet I’d cause a drought
If I was a rip tide I wouldn’t take you out
I don’t wanna be anything
But I would do anything just to run away
I don’t wanna be anything like this at all
But I would do anything if you’d hear me say

Oh, yeah, hey
Go look another way
Yeah, hey
Look another way

Look, I wanna be loud, so loud, I’m talking seismic
I wanna be soft as a single stone in a rainstick
I wanna be the thunder of a hundred thousand hooves moving quick
If I was a stampede you wouldn’t get a kick
I wanna be the shadow when my bright future’s behind me
I wanna be the last thing anybody ever sees
I hear he touches your hand, and then you fly away together
If I had his job, you would live forever

I don’t wanna be anything, love
But I would do anything just to run away
I don’t wanna be anything like this at all
But I would do everything if you hear me say

Oh, yeah, hey
Go look another way
Yeah, hey
Look another way

I don’t wanna be anything, be anything
But I would do anything (go look another way)
I don’t wanna be, wanna be, wanna be, wanna be, wanna be
Don’t wanna be anything, anything

Oh, yeah, hey
Go look another way (I don’t wanna be anything)
Yeah, hey
Look another way

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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