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Letra Música REALiTi – Grimes

ees I tahw si siht, pu teG
When we were young, we used to get so close to it
And you were scared and you were beautiful
I wanna peer over the edge and see in death
If we are always the same

Oh, I fear that no life will ever be like this again
‘Cause your love kept me alive and it made me insane, oh, yeah

There were moments when it seemed okay
(But I go back alone)
Whether you go or whether you stay
(I go back alone)
There was a time when the music would play

Oh, baby, every morning there are mountains to climb
Taking all my time
Oh, when I get up, this is what I see
Welcome to reality

Oh, baby, every morning there are mountains to climb
Taking all my time
Oh, when I get up, this is what I see
Welcome to reality

When we were young, we used to get so close to it
And you were scared and you were beautiful
I wanna peer over the edge and see in death
If we are always the same, oh, yeah

There were moments when it seemed okay
(But I go back alone)
Whether you go or whether you stay
(I go back alone)
Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh

Oh, baby, every morning there are mountains to climb
Taking all my time
Oh, when I get up, this is what I see
Welcome to reality

Oh, baby, every morning there are mountains to climb
Taking all my time
Oh, when I get up, this is what I see
Welcome to reality
To reality

Oh, baby, every (give me a sign)
To reality
Oh, baby, every (give me a sign)
Oh, baby, every (give me a sign)
Oh, baby, every (give me a sign)
Oh, baby, every (give me a sign)

Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
Oh, baby, every (give me a sign)
Oh, baby, every
Oh, baby, every
Oh, baby, every

It sounds like corporate art
Break bread with an infidel
And plunge into the dark

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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