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Letra Música The Other Side Of Paradise – Glass Animals

When I was young and stupid
My love left to be a rock and roll star
He told me: Please, don’t worry
Wise little smile that spoke so safely
He booked a one-way ticket
Out west, that’s where they make it
Six kids stuck in a bedsit
To sunswept poolside riches

He met a girl who wore Versace
Pink feather coats and jumbo jewelry​
Gonna be a hoop phenomenon
He’s gonna be Hakeem Olajuwon

He’s got a gold Camaro
He said over the payphone
I try to keep my cool, but
My life turns in slow motion

Bye-bye, baby blue
I wish you could see the wicked truth
Caught up in a rush, it’s killing you
Screaming at the Sun you blow into
Curled up in a grip when we were us
Fingers in a fist like you might run
I settle for a ghost I never knew
Super paradise I held on to
But I settle for a ghost

Where I was from in NOLA
No one left to be a rock and roll star
He’d stay and treat his lady
Give everything to his new baby

I miss him, don’t you blame me
That boy went stone-cold crazy
Caught up in camera lust
He’s chasing that pappy pipe dream

I know you don’t, but I
I know you don’t, but I still try
My thunder shook him down
My thunder came and shook him down

That girl is gone, but I
That girl is gone, but I still try
I think it’s over now
The bullet hit, but maybe not

I feel so fucking numb
It hits my head and I feel numb
My body’s looking wrong
My body’s looking wrong
My body’s looking wrong

Bye-bye, baby blue
I wish you could see the wicked truth
Caught up in a rush, it’s killing you
Screaming at the Sun you blow into
Curled up in a grip when we were us
Fingers in a fist like you might run
I settle for a ghost I never knew
Super paradise I held on to
But I settle for a ghost

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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