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Letra Música Heat Waves – Glass Animals

(Last night, all I think about is you)
(Don’t stop, baby, you can walk through)
(Don’t want, but I think about you)
(You know that I’m never gonna lose)
Road shimmer wigglin’ the vision
Heat, heat waves, I’m swimmin’ in a mirror
Road shimmer wigglin’ the vision
Heat, heat waves, I’m swimmin’ in a—

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Can’t make you happier now

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Can’t make you happier now

Usually I put somethin’ on TV
So we never think about you and me
But today I see our reflections clearly
In Hollywood, layin’ on the screen

You just need a better life than this
You need somethin’ I can never give
Fake water all across the road
It’s gone now, the night has come, but

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Can’t make you happier now

You can’t fight it, you can’t breathe
You say somethin’ so lovin’, but
Now I gotta let you go
You’ll be better off in someone new

I don’t wanna be alone
You know it hurts me too
You look so broken when you cry
One more and then I’ll say goodbye

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Can’t make you happier now

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Can’t make you happier now

I just wonder what you’re dreamin’ of
When you sleep and smile so comfortable
I just wish that I could give you that
That look that’s perfectly unsad

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Heat waves been fakin’ me out

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Can’t make you happier now

Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June
Heat waves been fakin’ me out
Can’t make you happier now

Road shimmer wigglin’ the vision
Heat, heat waves, I’m swimmin’ in a mirror
Road shimmer wigglin’ the vision
Heat, heat waves, I’m swimmin’ in a mirror

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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