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Letra Música meta angel – FKA twigs

Saggi’ Moon
Pisce’ Ven’
Capri’ Sun
Each year I’m like, ah, I’m gonna own my shit
And then each year I’m still so shy and so quiet
No, but like
This is the year (yeah, girl)
This is the year of greatness, bruv, and bein’ free, I’m telling you
No, I wanna be more confident, I really do
I really do, you’re just like—
The universe, fam, the universe is so powerful
You’re gonna be more free and you’re gonna love more
And you’re gonna have more fun
Do you think so?
And I’m tell, no, I don’t think so, I know so

I wish I had help from a deeper force
Some kind of meta angel
Then they could whisper all the answers
And maybe life would just slow down
I don’t think that I’ll make it on my own

I’ve got voices in my head
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my)
Tellin’ me that I won’t make it far
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in, in my, in my)
Mirrors singin’ in my face
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my)
Where’d you go? Where’d you go?
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my)

Throw it in the fire
Ego in the fire
I’ve got a love for desire
I’ve got a pain for desire (I need a meta angel)
But when I’m winning, I’m a flier
Soprano in the choir
I’ve got a love for desire
It gets higher and higher (some kind of meta angel)

That makes it sound so easy
A pretty picture with a quote
I get confused with what I really want

I’ve got voices in my head
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my)
Tellin’ me that I won’t make it far
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in, in my, in my)
Mother’s callin’ every day
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my)
Where’d you go? Where’d you go?
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my)

Throw it in the fire
Ego in the fire
I’ve got a love for desire
I’ve got a pain for desire (I need a meta angel)
But when I’m winning, I’m a flier
Soprano in the choir (soprano in the choir)
I’ve got a love for desire
It gets higher and higher (some kind of meta angel)

I, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my)
I’ve got voices in my head
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my)
I’ve got voices in my head
(In my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my, in my)

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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