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Letra Música Ladies – Fiona Apple

Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ruminations on the looming effect and the parallax view
And the figure and the form and the revolving door that keeps
Turning out more and more good women like you
Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through
Ruminations on the looming effect and the parallax view
And the figure and the form and the revolving door that keeps
Turning out more and more good women like you
Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through

Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, take it easy
When he leaves me, please be my guest
To whatever I might’ve left in his kitchen cupboards
In the back of his bathroom cabinets

And oh yes, oh yes, oh yes
There’s a dress in the closet
Don’t get rid of it, you’d look good in it
I didn’t fit in it, it was never mine
It belonged to the ex-wife of another ex of mine
She left it behind with a note, one line, it said
I don’t know if I’m coming across, but I’m really trying
She was very kind

Fruit bat
Cuter than a button, mutton-head maniac
Fruit bat
Cuter than a button, mutton-head maniac

Nobody can replace anybody else
So it would be a shame to make it a competition
And no love is like any other love
So it would be insane to make a comparison with you

Ruminations on the looming effect and the parallax view
And the figure and the form and the revolving door that keeps
Turning out more and more good women like you
Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through

Cuter than a button, mutton-head maniac

Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies

And no love is like any other love
So it would be insane to make a comparison with you

Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies
Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies

Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through
Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through
Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through
Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through
Yet another woman to whom I won’t get through

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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