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Letra Música Fetch the Bolt Cutters – Fiona Apple

I’ve been thinking about when I was trying to be your friend
I thought it was then, but it wasn’t, it wasn’t genuine
I was just so furious but I couldn’t show you
‘Cause I know you and I know what you can do
And I don’t wanna war with you, I won’t afford it
You get sore even when you win
And you maim when you’re on offense
But you kill when you’re on defense
And you’ve got them all convinced
That you’re the means and the end
All the VIPs and PYTs and wannabes
Afraid of not being your friend

And I’ve always been too smart for that
But you know what? My heart was not
I took you like a kid, you see
The cool kids voted to get rid of me
And I’m ashamed of what they did to me
What I let get done
It stole my fun, it stole my fun

Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Fetch the bolt cutters

He sings so nice, I guess he tries (I’ve been thinking about when I was trying to be your friend
(I thought it was then, but it wasn’t, it wasn’t genuine)

Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Fetch the bolt cutters (I’ve been in here too long)
Whatever happens, whatever happens
Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Fetch the bolt cutters

While I had not yet found my bearings
Those it girls hit the ground
Comparing the way I was to the way she was
Sayin’ I’m not stylish enough and I cry to much
And I listened because I hadn’t found my own voice yet
So all I could here was the noise that
People make when they don’t know shit
But I didn’t know that yet

I grew up in the shoes they told me I could fill
When they came around I would stand real still
A girl can roll her eyes at me and kill
I got the idea I wasn’t real
I thought being blacklisted would be grist for the mill
Until I realized I’m still here
I grew up in the shoes they told me I could fill
Shoes that were not made for running up that hill
And I need to run up that hill, I need to run up that hill
I will, I will, I will, I will, I will

Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Fetch the bolt cutters
Whatever happens, whatever happens
Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Fetch the bolt cutters
Whatever happens, whatever happens
Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long
Whatever happens, whatever happens

Fetch the bolt cutters, fetch the bolt cutters
Fetch the bolt cutters, fetch the bolt cutters
Fetch the bolt cutters, fetch the bolt cutters
Fetch the bolt cutters, fetch the bolt cutters
Fetch the bolt cutters, fetch the bolt cutters
Fetch the bolt cutters, fetch the bolt cutters
Whatever happens, whatever happens
Whatever happens, whatever happens
Fetch the bolt cutters, fetch the bolt cutters

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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