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Letra Música This Is How It Feels – d4vd

Sitting on the bleachers alone
Wondering where it went wrong
The ringing of bells and the sound of the tone
I haven’t heard it in years
Walking in the rain past your home
Feet soaking wet four missed calls on your phone
Light in the window of where I belong
But I see two shadows up there

So this is how it feels
To fall in love with you
To always think of you
To always dream of you
Yes it hurts so much
To fall in love with

Sorry for leaving like that
You don’t deserve to get caught in my mess
Loving you is just so difficult
I don’t know how
I should tell you that
I’ve fallen for somebody else
Happened so quickly
I lost myself
A shadow of you drift along by my window
Or did I imagine that

So this is how it feels
To fall in love with you
To always think of you
To always dream of you
Yes it hurts so much
To fall in love with you

So if this is how it feels
Tell me if our love is real
There’s some of type of strange appeal
To the way it was so effortless, uh
I cannot help it

This is how it feels
To fall in love with you
To always think of you
To always dream of you
Yes it hurts so much
To fall in love with you

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