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Letra Música Rehab – d4vd

Sparking again
Cocaine and liquor
Hang out with your friends
I’m at the party where it never it ends
I’m at the party with hella regrets
I feel like getting in trouble again
With a shovel again
I’m on a different level again
She fell in love with the devil again
I gotta get her out of here
I don’t feel this way anymore
For the girl that I used to know
I’d rather take it slow
She thinks she’s too good for me now
No room in class for a clown

It’s too much for me to handle, handle
White rose petals
Broken hearts and bloody sandals
Bodies stacked on top of another
Good undercover
Too bad for each other now

Or not
I’ve been hearing gunshots
Inside of my clouded thoughts
Do I love you a lot
Never mind
It don’t matter what we’ve done tonight
You can’t run or hide from me now
Stay a sec
Trying to keep you from self destructing
Just hold on to something

Cause we’re sparking again
Cocaine and liquor
Hang out with your friends
I’m at the party where it never it ends
I’m at the party with hella regrets
I feel like getting in trouble again
With a shovel again
I’m on a different level again
She fell in love with the devil again

We gotta get apart for now
Cause it’s obvious
You don’t feel the same
As you did the other day

Where’d we go wrong I see it now
I see it now
I see it now
I see it now
I see it now (I cannot be, what you want me to be, do you envy me, and my energy)
I see it now (when you talk to me, don’t walk with me, don’t follow me)

In all honesty
I don’t know you all that well
I will not chase you
On your way to hell

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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