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Letra Música Hit Me Where It Hurts – Caroline Polachek

I’m feeling like a butterfly trapped inside a plane
Maybe there’s something going on, I’m not insane
If I’m already out of time, then make it worse
Go on and hit me in the heart, hit me where it hurts
I’m feeling like a butterfly trapped inside a plane
Maybe there’s something going on, I’m not insane
If I’m already out of time, then make it worse
Go on and hit me in the heart, hit me where it hurts
Go on and hit me in the

Bullseye, dead end
Moving target
Carousel, carousel
Baggage, claim it
Promise one day
You will hate me
But right now, just ride it out
Ride it out, ride it out

Magic carpet
Over London
Through the ceiling
Watch you dreaming
Promise one day
You will hate me
But right now, just ride it out
Ride it out

I’m feeling like a butterfly trapped inside a plane
Maybe there’s something going on, I’m not insane
If I’m already out of time, then make it worse
Go on and hit me in the heart, hit me where it hurts
Go on and hit me in the

Blind spot, Achilles’ heel
Long shot, left field
Vertigo, vertigo
High stakes, popped ears
Promise one day
You will hate me
But right now, just ride it out
Ride it out, ride it out

Do you feel safe?
(Hit me where it hurts now)
Now that you’ve found my cure?
I’ll be the nurse
(Hit me where it hurts now)
You’ll be my number one

Hit me where it hurts now
Hit me where it hurts
Hit me where it hurts now
Hit me where it hurts

Hit me where it hurts now
Hit me where it hurts
Hit me where it hurts now

I’m feeling like a butterfly trapped
Inside a plane (hit me where it hurts)
Maybe there’s something going on, I’m not insane
If I’m already out of time, then make it worse
Go on and hit me in the heart, hit me where it hurts

I’m feeling like a butterfly trapped inside a plane
Maybe there’s something going on, I’m not insane
If I’m already out of time, then make it worse
Go on and hit me in the heart, hit me where it hurts
Go on and hit me in th

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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