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Letra Música Contaminated – Banks

You wanna get to know me
You memorized the lines of my thighs
I knew before you told me you’d get it right
And you took the dark for granted
And you love me like you promised your wife
It’s almost like you planned it in the daylight
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it

I like the way you say it
Tell me the words you told me that day
Maybe if I could believe it, I could just stay
‘Cause I like the way you do it
Yeah, I like the way you move it, baby, show me the way
I like the way you get it on the freeway

And I wish I could change it
And we’re always gonna be contaminated
And oh, I know what we need
You start letting me go
Our love is tainted

You said they’d be against us
I say: You care too much what they say
You said: Do me a favor, give me some faith
‘Cause you promised me you’d do it
You said: Baby, let me prove it, look at me in the face
This is the face of someone who loves you, babe

And I wish I could change it
And we’re always gonna be contaminated
And oh, I know what we need
You start letting me go
Our love is tainted

You start letting me go
You start letting me go
You start letting me go
You start letting me go

And I wish I could change it
And we’re always gonna be contaminated
And oh, I know what we need
You start letting me go
Our love is tainted
And I wish I could change it
And we’re always gonna be contaminated
And oh, I know what we need
You start letting me go
(‘Cause our love is tainted)

Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it
Ooh, I can attain it

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