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Letra Música Beggin For Thread – Banks

So I got edges that scratch
And sometimes I don’t got a filter
But I’m so tired of eating all of my misspoken words
I know my disposition gets confusing
My disproportionate reactions fuse with my eager state
That’s why you wanna come out and play with me


Stooped down and out
You got me beggin for thread
To sew this hole up that you ripped in my head
Stupidly think you had it under control

Strapped down to something that you don’t understand
Don’t know what you were getting yourself into
You should have known
Secretly, I think you knew

I got some dirt on my shoes
My words can come out as a pistol
And I’m no good at aiming
But I can aim it at you

I know my actions, they may get confusing
But my unstable ways is my solution to even space
That’s why you wanna come out and play with me, yeah

Stooped down and out
You got me beggin for thread
To sew this hole up that you ripped in my head
Stupidly think you had it under control

Strapped down to something that you don’t understand
Don’t know what you were getting yourself into
You should have known
Secretly, I think you knew
(Secretly I think you knew)

Hold it out, whoa
Try to hide it out but my tracks are better
Hold it out, whoa
Try to hide it out but my tracks are better

Hold it out, whoa
Try to hide it out but my tracks are better
Hold it out, whoa
Try to hide it out but my tracks are better

Stooped down and out
You got me beggin for thread
To sew this hole up that you ripped in my head
Stupidly think you had it under control

Strapped down to something that you don’t understand
Don’t know what you were getting yourself into
You should have known
Secretly, I think you knew
(Secretly I think you knew)

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