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Letra Música Reflections – The Neighbourhood

Where have you been?
Do you know when you’re coming back?
‘Cause since you’ve been gone
I’ve got along, but I’ve been sad
I tried to put it out for you to get
Could’ve, should’ve, but you never did
Wish you wanted it a little bit
More, but it’s a chore for you to give

Where have you been?
Do you know if you’re coming back?

We were too close to the stars
I never knew somebody like you, somebody
Falling just as hard
I’d rather lose somebody than use somebody
Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise
(I see myself in you)
I see my reflection in your eyes

I know you’re sick
Hoping you fix whatever’s broken
Ignorant bliss
And a few sips might be the potion

I tried to put it out for you to get
Could’ve, should’ve, but you never did
Wish you wanted in a little bit
More, but it’s a chore for you to give

Where have you been?
Do you know if you’re coming back?

We were too close to the stars
I never knew somebody like you, somebody
Falling just as hard
I’d rather lose somebody than use somebody
Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise
(I see myself in you)
I see my reflection in your eyes
(Tell me you see it too)

So close
So close
Yet so far away (so far)
I don’t know (I don’t)
How to be solo (no)
So don’t go, oh, no, just stay

You and I were bright, shooting through the sky daily (yeah)
Lighting up the night, wasn’t always right, baby (mmm)
Yeah, every time that we realign, it’s crazy
And you save me

We were too close to the stars
I never knew somebody like you, somebody
Falling just as hard
I’d rather lose somebody than use somebody
Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise
(I see myself in you)
I see my reflection in your eyes
(I sold my soul for you, I know you see it too)

Yeah, I bought the same ones too
I know you’re tired, I know you tried
Just say your point of view
Yeah, sick of all the poison in me
What the hell do you want from me, babe?
Uh, I see myself in you
I see myself in you, baby
I see myself in you, alright
I sold my soul for you
Maybe you should stick with us now

The Neighbourhood – Reflections – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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