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Letra Música Open And Honest – The Mighty Mighty BossTones

Open and honest if you’d just let me level
May I say we’ve been this way now since the day we met the devil
What we do and don’t we know how to do and won’t be
Bought and sold controlled or told he don’t know how to revel
What it was we were wearing the noise that you’ve been hearing
A culmination of an awful lot of people caring
Lets face what you’re afraid of to find out what we’re made of
In the process made aware that there is nothing here worth fearing
Open and honest that is just my suggestion
You don’t know when they might throw at you curve ball or a question
And even if you knew it you might not know who threw it
That might be worse I’m thinking or that might be my impression
So let’s not mention who you paid attention to
Could not afford to get on board but something struck a cord with you
And then from that point on you knew you were to far gone
To go back when there’s more I’m sure to go for and look forward to

Well aware and self asserted warned and well alerted
A bond so strong it can’t be wrong and it will never be deserted
Stick together that’s the plan stick to that the best we can
Nothing left to say
Thank you

Well aware and self asserted warned and well alerted
A bond so strong it can’t be wrong and it will never be deserted
Stick together that’s the plan stick to that the best we can
Nothing left to say
Thank you

The Mighty Mighty BossTones – Open And Honest – Ouvir Música

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