Letra Música Whathegirlmuthafuckinwannadoo – The Coup

We gon’ have a sing-along

Turn up Janelle for me

This the part where we sang on top

Thought it was but it ain’t gon’ stop

Wanna keep her with you but the girl finna do

What the girl muthafuckin’ wanna do

This the part where we sang on top

Thought it was but it ain’t gon’ stop

Wanna keep her with you but the girl finna do

What the girl muthafuckin’ wanna do

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

You know her, she won’t let nobody control her

Hefty bags in the hall full of draws

Waiting for a good reason to stay

She scooped ‘em up and smashed out

And only then was you convinced she wasn’t made of clay

She felt like her destiny was much bigger than

It looked in that greasy reflection from that frying pan

You said, aww baby let’s do it once mo, lemme show you

And she was down

Nobody coulda did it good enough

To make her bad ass hang around

Now lemme tell you why

This the part where we sang on top

Thought it was but it ain’t gon’ stop

Wanna keep her with you but the girl finna do

What the girl muthafuckin’ wanna do

This the part where we sang on top

Thought it was but it ain’t gon’ stop

Wanna keep her with you but the girl finna do

What the girl muthafuckin’ wanna do

Hot vinyl seats in the taxicab starting to burn

You thought she wore that miniskirt to make you learn

You never wanted a partner, partna

You just want an assistant

And every time she tried to shine baby

She would shonuff meet resistance

Behind many great men is a woman with her dreams left on the ground

Here’s a story ‘bout a woman I know with no time to be fuckin’ around

This the part where we sang on top

Thought it was but it ain’t gon’ stop

Wanna keep her with you but the girl finna do

What the girl muthafuckin’ wanna do

This the part where we sang on top

Thought it was but it ain’t gon’ stop

Wanna keep her with you but the girl finna do

What the girl muthafuckin’ wanna do

The Coup – Whathegirlmuthafuckinwannadoo – Ouvir Música

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?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal Época Online.

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