Letra Música Calling – The Birthday Massacre

Come, take a look inside
What you lost you’ll find
What you want is right in front of you
Look underneath the stairs
What’s broken is repaired
Now there’s nothing left behind
Nothing left of you
Voice start to change
Faces rearrange
Eyes roll back and hands are pulling you down
They’re dragging you beneath
Blood between the teeth
You’ll sleep when the shadow moves over your

Black eyes
I hear you calling out for me tonight
No rest for the soon departed
Black eyes
You won’t be dreaming when you sleep tonight
I’ll finish what you started

Eyes hiding in the hall
Hanging on the wall
Through this broken window
Feeling the cold
Distance of the Moon
In this empty room
Now there’s nothing left behind
And it’s all because of you

Cover your ears
You don’t wanna hear
The whispers in the walls are making it clear
You’re all by yourself
There is no one else
You’ll sleep when the shadow moves over your

Black eyes
I hear you calling out for me tonight
No rest for the soon departed
Black eyes
You won’t be dreaming when you sleep tonight
I’ll finish what you started

Hands cover your eyes
Now that you realize
All the things you loved were never here
What’s lost will be found
Buried underground
You’ll sleep when the shadow moves over you

Black eyes
I hear you calling out for me tonight
No rest for the soon departed
Black eyes
You won’t be dreaming when you sleep tonight
I’ll finish what you started

The Birthday Massacre – Calling – Ouvir Música

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