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Letra Música You Are The One – Stevie B

Many nights I lay awake and
I think about the things we’ve said
Just holding on to what we had
And hoping that it’s not the end
‘Cause your love is what I’m thinking of
I need you close inside my arms
‘Cause you are the one that I do need
My heart is what I will give you

‘Cause you are the one that makes me smile
You are the one that I need now
You are the one that I adore
And baby I want you back once more

Every day without your loving
It’s just a life of misery
I wonder if you thinking of me
And if you ever come to see

‘Cause your love is all I’m thinking of
I need you close inside my arms
Cause you are the one that I do need
My heart is what I will give you

‘Cause you are the one that makes me smile
You are the one that I need now
You are the one that I adore
And baby I want you back once more

You are the one that makes me smile
You are the one that I need now
You are the one that I adore
And baby I want you back once more

‘Cause your love is what I’m thinking of
I need you close inside my arms
‘Cause you are the one that I do need
My heart is what I will give you

‘Cause you are the one that makes me smile
You are the one that I need now
You are the one that I adore
And baby I want you back once more

You are the one that makes me smile
You are the one that I need now
You are the one that I adore
And baby I want you back once more

You are the one that makes me smile
You are the one that I need now
You are the one that I adore
And baby I want you back once moreStevie B – You Are The One – Ouvir Música

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