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Letra Música Tigerlily – La Roux

Tonight out on the streets
I’m gonna follow you
Tell you all about a scene
That you would kill for
You’re gonna love what’s
Burning right in front of you
But you won’t see it
By the light of the sun
Come out Tigerlily
You’re caressing me
I’ll take you up
I’ll turn you on
I’ll take your apathy
I wouldn’t lie to you Blossom
Won’t you let it go
I’m gonna give you all you want
And don’t you know

That you
I know you better than this
I could be here when you call
I’ll make you top of the list
And in the crush of the dark
I’ll be your light in the mist
I can see you burning with desire
For a kiss
Psychobabble all upon your lips

They can sell it all they want
But you cannot agree
I don’t like the taste
Of their morality
You’ll find your bread and your butter
Where you fake it
And put your face in the gutter
Of a snake pit

But our communication
Is telepathy
What you give is what you get
Out of us naturally
And we can wait til the shadow grows long
And turn the page of a story
That has long since found a home

I know you better than this
I could be here when you call
I’ll make you top of the list
And in the crush of the dark
I’ll be your light in the mist
I can see you burning with desire
For a kiss
Psychobabble all upon your lips

Have you ever felt
Like you’re being followed?
Or watched the ones that held your stare?
Turned around to see who’s behind you
To find there’s no one there?
Lurking in the dark
There’s someone who breathes you night and day
There’s a friend who wants so much more
And if they can’t have you
They’ll never let you walk away

And in the crush of the dark
I’ll be your light in the mist
I can see you burning with desire
For a kiss

And in the crush of the dark
I’ll be your light in the mist
I can see you burning with desire
For a kiss
Psychobabble all upon your lipsLa Roux – Tigerlily – Ouvir Música

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