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Letra Música Let Me Out – Dover

The phone is ringing
The clock is tickin’
Just let me out
The phone is ringing
The clock is tickin’
Just let me out

Waiting by the phone
oh no, I haven’t read the news
oh no, I haven’t checked the watch
to know your waiting me down.

Waiting by the phone
No, I haven’t check the watch
And no, I haven’t heard the news
To know your waiting me down

And a another soul is stealing your thunder
And I know you’re bringing me down
Like a rollercoaster is doing you thunder
And I know your waiting me down

The phone is ringing
The clock keeps ticking
Just let me out
The phone is ringing
The world is spinning
I know

The phone is ringing
The clock keeps ticking
Just let me out
The phone is ringing
The world is spinning
I know

Oh oh oh! Go!

Waiting by the phone
oh no, I haven’t read the news
oh no, I haven’t checked the watch
to know your waiting me down.

Waiting by the phone
No, I haven’t check the watch
And no, I haven’t heard the news
To know your waiting me down

And a another soul is stealing your thunder
And I know you’re bringing me down
Like a rollercoaster is doing you thunder
And I know your waiting me down

The phone is ringing
The clock keeps ticking
Just let me out
The phone is ringing
The world is spinning
I know

The phone is ringing
The clock keeps ticking
Just let me out
The phone is ringing
The world is spinning
I know

Oh oh oh! Go!

The phone is ringing
The clock is tickin’
Just let me out

Let me out!
Let me out!

The phone is ringing
The clock keeps ticking
Just let me out
The phone is ringing
The world is spinning
I know

The phone is ringing
The clock keeps ticking
Just let me out
The phone is ringing
The world is spinning
I know

Oh oh oh! Go!Dover – Let Me Out – Ouvir Música

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