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Letra Música SuperLove – Charli XCX

You’re whisky, wasted, and beautiful dancing through the fire
You’re such a vision to see
I used to think that the power of love was just a song
But now it’s got hold in me
S.O.S, is it me? Or this is dangerous?
Kill me with your touch, you’re soaken through my blood
R.I.P, set me free, yeah, this is dangerous
I can’t get enough

Wanna fall into your super love
Yeah my heart never wants it to stop, please save me
Cause I never seem to get enough, you’re the bullet and you’re making me drop
Please save me
So give me all of your super love, ‘cause my body is so close to you, I’m waiting
Die here in your arms falling in love with you

Feels like I’m tripping, I’m falling hard from the highest heights
When I crash where will you be?
I think your hair looks much better pushed over to one side
How do you feel about me?

S.O.S, this is real, and this is dangerous
You’re my favourite drug, I smoke you in the club
R.I.P, what a dream, you’re so damn dangerous
I can’t get enough

Wanna fall into your super love
Yeah my heart never wants it to stop, please save me
Cause I never seem to get enough, you’re the bullet and you’re making me drop
Please save me
So give me all of your super love, ‘cause my body is so close to you, I’m waiting
Die here in your arms falling in love with you

Wanna fall into your super love
Cause I never seem to get enough
Give me all of your super love
I’m waiting
Die here in your arms falling in love with you

Wanna fall into your super love
Yeah my heart never wants it to stop, please save me
Cause I never seem to get enough, you’re the bullet and you’re making me drop
Please save me
So give me all of your super love, ‘cause my body is so close to you, I’m waiting
Die here in your arms falling in love with you

Wanna fall into your super love
Yeah my heart never wants it to stop, please save me
Cause I never seem to get enough, you’re the bullet and you’re making me drop
Please save me
So give me all of your super love, ‘cause my body is so close to you, I’m waiting
Die here in your arms falling in love with youCharli XCX – SuperLove – Ouvir Música

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