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Letra Música Caught In The Middle – Charli XCX

Our hearts got caught in the middle
Caught in the middle of love
Our hearts got caught in the middle
Caught in the middle of love
Took a plane at five, flew across the world
I’m the other girl, the one who’s in your head
Laid there by your side in the city lights, naked in the lights
Hiding secrets in your bed

Cuz we try to turn around but we can’t stop it now
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love
You’re stuck on my mind push restart then press rewind
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love

Lost inside the line, stare across the room, almost falling thru
Never made the same mistake, harder every time
Wish we could be true, always wanted you
Got to stay a mystery

Oh, I’m caught in the middle, caught in the middle of

Cuz we try to turn around but we can’t stop it now
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love
You’re stuck on my mind push restart then press rewind
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love

Oh, I’m caught in the middle, caught in the middle
Caught in the middle of
Cuz we all are caught in the middle, caught in the middle of
Cuz we all are caught in the middle, caught in the middle of

Cuz we try to turn around but we can’t stop it now
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love
You’re stuck on my mind push restart then press rewind
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of love
Our hearts got caught in the middle, caught in the middle of loveCharli XCX – Caught In The Middle – Ouvir Música

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