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Letra Música Year Of The Knife – Tears For Fears

Hallelujah, the king is dead. He said
“Love was the knife”
And now he’ll dream some magic queen might try and save his life
They say his famous final words
Came from the heart of the man
He made his bed on love denied
He played Jeckyll and Hyde ‘till the day he died
Too late for the young gun
To lead a simple life
Too late for the young gun

(I said!)
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife

See the mountains crumble
Feel the fire go cold
Summer will turn to winter
Love will turn to stone

They say his famous final words
Came from the heart of man, oh
I made his bed on love denied
Now I ain’t gonna sleep tonight

Too late for the young gun
To lead a simple life
Too late for the young gun
Sun and the moon
Sun and the moon
The wind
And the rain

This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife

This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife
This is the year of the knife (too late, too late)
This is the year of the knife (too late, too late)
Too late! Too late!

Too late, much too late
Too late for the young gun
This is the year of the knife

Tears For Fears – Year Of The Knife – Ouvir Música

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