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Letra Música Madly – Tristan Prettyman

I’m not surprised that you still call
I’m not surprised
I’m more surprised that I don’t answer
Pick up the phone to call you back
Pick up the phone to call you back
Ain’t it funny how things work out like that
Cause the time that it takes to open my eyes
Is the time that it took me realize

Madly madly madly
Well tell that you need me
Show me im the only and thats all I need to know
Madly madly madly
Well if you really love me
When you see me leaving
Baby just let me go

Well I’ve been good, no ive been great
You say you’re in a better place
And honestly I might be for ya.
But theres a tone in my voice that gives away my selfish choice
Could my heart beat any faster?

Cause the time that it takes to pass me by
Is the time that it took me to realize

Madly madly madly
Tell me that you need me
Show me I’m the only and thats all I need to know.
Madly madly madly
Well if you really love me
When you see me leaving baby
Just let me go

We give it up, try to find what was with us all the time
Gotta lose some things if you’re ever gonna get on by
And who was wrong who was right?
Always end up in a fight
I thought I won, but now I find….

Madly madly madly
If you really love me when you see me leaving
Just let me go
Madly madly madly
Well tell me that you need me
Show me I’m the only and that’s all I need to know know know know
Madly madly madly
If you really love me, when you see me leaving
baby just let it go no
Madly madly madly
Tell me that you want me
when you see me leaving, just let me go.Tristan Prettyman – Madly – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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