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Letra Música Fly With You – Pete Murray

First time that I saw your face
I was blown away without a trace
I felt so alone on a busy street
When you passed me by, I felt my feet
Melt away
Melt away
I pray to God that I can meet
Somebody like the girl that I’ve just seen
Someone that can stop me dead
Someone that will spin round
In my head all day
In my head all day

Someday I will fly with you
Someday I will fly with you

That night I saw her again
Was the first time I touched her hand
She made me feel so warm
We talked all night
Till the dawn came our way
Till the dawn came our way

But the timing was all wrong
When I met the one, I shoulda known
Instead I walked away
Leaving behind my destiny on that day
My destiny on that day

Someday I will fly with you
Someday I will fly with you

But I still see your face in my mind
It’s the only place
And we will meet again
And I will touch
Your hand again on that day
Your hand again on that day

Someday I will fly with you
Someday I will fly with you
Someday I will fly with you
Someday I will fly with youPete Murray – Fly With You – Ouvir Música

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