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Letra Música Shot Reverse Shot – Jack Johnson

Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got
Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got
Drop the anchor make it stop
Edible digital clocks
Infinity figure eight
Figure out what you’re not
Junk-an a po, cut your loss
Come to cut your corners off
You’re the rock and I’m the paper
You’re the scissors I’m the rock

Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got
Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got

Feel this storm go through my sail
Follow someone else’s trail
Camera a camera b
In your home, on your tv
Hook me up, look in my eyes
Dilate do I surprise you?
Watch me blush, blink sink
Trust in me so you don’t have to think

Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got
Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got

Can you even feel what’s real?
With such a shallow depth of field?

Kill the engine stop the car
Cut the lights and there you are
Stars so small
You’re the king of them all
Stand tall, rack focus
Now you crawl back broken
Now the stars so vast
Heat, wind, storm break my mast

Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got
Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got

Feel this storm go through my sail
Follow someone else’s trail
Can you even feel what’s real?
With such a shallow depth of field

Shot reverse shot

Drop the anchor make it stop
Make the moment kill the clock
Infinity figure eight
Figure out what you’re not
Junk-an a po, cut your loss
Come to cut your corners off
You’re the rock and I’m the paper
You’re the scissors I’m the rock

Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other got
Shot, reverse shot
Look what the other gotJack Johnson – Shot Reverse Shot – Ouvir Música

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*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal SRZD