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Letra Música To Love – Suki Waterhouse

Is there a universe where our paths never crossed?
Where I caught your eye
But then someone arrived and we both forgot
I travelled all corners where destiny called me
And it almost killed me
But I got good stories
While you where out somewhere
In your own nightmare
But now we’re both here
And we talk of how lucky we got
As we watched old lovers we dodged
While the world’s falling apart
You make it so easy to love
To love, to love, to love
Ah, ah, ah
To love, to love, to love
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
How lucky we are
Is there a space somewhere in your world that was always for me?
And was it your face at the back of my mind haunting my dreams
Kept waking up lonely with voices around me
They tell me you’re out there, waiting to hold me
What did they tell you?
I read you were lonely too
And we talk of how lucky we got
We could have fallen like stars
But you told me right from the start
I’m easy to love
To love, to love, to love
Ah, ah, ah
To love, to love, to love
Ah, ah, ah

Now I found myself this kinda love
I can’t believe it
I’ll never leave it behind
I thought I’d never get to feel another fucking feeling
But I feel
This love, this love, this love
Oh, I feel it
This love, this love, this love

Oh how lucky we are
Oh how lucky we are
Oh how lucky we are

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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