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Letra Música Babe (feat. Taylor Swift) – Sugarland

What a shame

Didn’t wanna be the one that got away, yeah

Big mistake, broke the sweetest promise

That you never should have made

I’m here on the kitchen floor

You call, but I won’t hear it

You said no one else

How could you do this, babe?

You really blew this, babe

We ain’t getting through this one, babe

This is the last time I’ll ever call you babe

This is the last time, this is the last time

This is the last time, I’ll ever call you babe

What a waste

Taking down the pictures and the plans we made, yeah

And it’s strange how your face doesn’t look so innocent

Your secret has its consequence and that’s on you, babe

I break down every time you call

We’re a wreck, you’re the wrecking ball

We said no one else

How could you do this, babe?

You really blew this, babe

We ain’t getting through this one, babe

This is the last time I’ll ever call you babe

This is the last time, this is the last time

This is the last time

Since you admitted it, I keep picturing

Her lips on your neck, I can’t unsee it

I hate that because of you I can’t love you, babe

What a shame

Didn’t want to be the one that got away

How could you do this, babe?

You really blew this, babe

We ain’t getting through this one, babe

How could you do this, babe?

(This is the last time, this is the last time)

How could you do this, babe?

(This is the last time I’ll ever call you babe)

I’m here on the kitchen floor

You call, but I won’t hear it

You said no one else

We ain’t getting through this one, babe

I break down every time you call

This is the last time, this is the last time

(We’re a wreck, you’re the wrecking ball)

You said I’m no one else

This is the last time I’ll ever call you babe

Sugarland – Babe (feat. Taylor Swift) – Ouvir Música

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