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Letra Música Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now – Starship

Lookin’ in your eyes

I see a paradise

This world that I found

Is too good to be true

Standin’ here beside you

Want so much to give you

This love in my heart

That I’m feelin’ for you

Let ‘em say we’re crazy

I don’t care ‘bout that

Put your hand in my hand

Baby, don’t ever look back

Let the world around us

Just fall apart

Baby, we can make it

If we’re heart to heart

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing’s gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We’ll still have each other

Nothing’s gonna stop us

Nothing’s gonna stop us now

Oh, whoa

I’m so glad I found you

I’m not gonna lose you

Whatever it takes

I will stay here with you

Take it to the good times

See it through the bad times

Whatever it takes

Is what I’m gonna do

Let ‘em say we’re crazy

What do they know

Put your arms around me

Baby, don’t ever let go

Let the world around us

Just fall apart

Baby, we can make it

If we’re heart to heart

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing’s gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We’ll still have each other

Nothing’s gonna stop us

Nothing’s gonna stop us

Ooh, all that I need is you

All that I ever need

And all that I want to do

Is hold you forever and ever and ever, hey

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing’s gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We’ll still have each other

Nothing’s gonna stop us

Nothing’s gonna stop us

Build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing’s gonna stop us now (nothing’s gonna stop us now)

This world runs out of lovers

We’ll still have each other

Nothing’s gonna stop us (oh, no)

And we can build this dream together (hey baby)

Standing strong forever (I know)

Nothing’s gonna stop us now (nothing’s gonna stop us)

This world runs out of lovers (hey baby)

We’ll still have each other

Nothing’s gonna stop us (nothing’s gonna stop us now)

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing’s gonna stop us now

Starship – Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now – Ouvir Música

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