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Letra Música It’s Not Over (‘Till It’s Over) – Starship

Hey, listen
We don’t call the shots here
We don’t make the rules
We take what we get, get what we can
That’s learning the hard way
Here on the streets
You can’t build a dream without a plan

(Passion speaks)
Let them hear you speak
(Play for keeps)
They play to win, we play for keeps

It’s not over till it’s over
It’s not over till we get it right

The odds are against us
They say we don’t stand a chance
Well, there’s no giving up, no giving in
When push comes to shove
You got to fight for what you love
You do what you must, do what you can

(Passion speaks)
Let them hear you speak
(Play for keeps)
They play to win, we play for keeps

It’s not over till it’s over (it’s not over)
It’s not over till we get it right (till we get it right)
It’s not over till it’s over (don’t go giving in)
It’s not over (till we get it right)

Oh-oh-oh-oh (get it)

The odds are against us
To know we still stand a chance
There’s no giving up, no giving in
It’s not over

It’s not over till it’s over (it’s not over till we, till we, till we, till we)
It’s not over (till we get it right)
It’s not over till it’s over
It’s not over (till we, till we, till we get it right)
It’s not over till it’s over (so don’t give in now)
It’s not over (till we get it right)
It’s not over till it’s over (believe it)
Don’t go giving in, don’t go giving in

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