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Letra Música Beat Patrol – Starship

Heaven move me, move my soul
Here comes the beat
Here comes the beat patrol
We will dance
I will help you if I can
I can change the way you feel today
When your world turns upside down
It’s time to make the break and dance into another day

And as the music starts to move you
Then it’s time to go
Into the streets you dance
And then you lose control

Heaven move me, move my soul
Here comes the beat
Here comes the beat patrol
We will dance, we will dance
Heaven move me, move my soul
Here comes the beat
Here comes the beat patrol
We will dance, we will dance

This is the age when you must win
Cos there is no gold upon the streets today
You must find it from within
Music brings the dream machine your way

And as the feeling starts to move you
Then it’s time to go
Into the streets you dance
And then you lose control

Heaven move me, move my soul
Here comes the beat
Here comes the beat patrol
We will dance, we will dance
Heaven move me, move my soul
Here comes the beat
Here comes the beat patrol
We will dance, we will dance

A say yeah, a say yeah, yeah, yeah
What you say here come the what
Here come the beat, here come the beat patrol
Here come the beat we will dance

Heaven move me, move my soul
Here comes the beat
Here comes the beat patrol
We will dance, we will dance

Heaven move me, I see it coming, It won’t be long now
Here come the beat, here come the beat patrol
We will dance, we will dance
(Heaven move me move my soul
Here comes the beat, here comes the beat patrol)

Starship – Beat Patrol – Ouvir Música

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