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Letra Música Superstar – Lauryn Hill

Come on baby, light my fire
Everything you drop is so tired
Music is supposed to inspire
How come we ain’t getting no higher?
Now tell me your philosophy
On exactly what an artist should be
Should they be someone with prosperity
And no concept of reality?
Now, who you know without any flaws
That lives above the spiritual laws
And does anything they feel just because
There’s always someone there who’ll applaud
Come on baby, light my fire
Everything you drop is so tired
Music is supposed to inspire
So, how come we ain’t getting to nigher?
I know you think that you’ve got it all
And by making other people feel small
Makes you think you’re unable to fall
But when you do, who you gonna call?
See, what you give is just what you get
I know it hasn’t hit you yet
Now I don’t mean to get you upset
But every ‘cause has an effect

Come on baby, light my fire
Everything you drop is so tired
Music is supposed to inspire
So, how come we’re not getting no higher?
I cross sands in distand lands, made plans with the sheiks
Why you beef with freaks as my album sales peak?
All I wanted was to sell like 500
And be a ghetto superstar since my first album Blunted
I used to work at Foot Locker, they fired me and fronted
Or I quitted, now I spit it – however do you want it?
Now you get it!
Writing rhymes my range with the frames sightly tinted
Then send it to your block and have my full name cemeented
And if your rhymes sound like mine, I’m taking a percentage
Unprecedented and still respected when it vintage
I’m serious, I’m taking over areas in Aquarius
Running red lights with my 10,000 chariotes
Just as Christ was a superstar, you stupid star
They’ll hail you then they’ll nail you, no matter who you are
They’ll make you now then take you down
And make you face it, if you slit the bag open
And put your pinky in it, then taste it

Come on baby, light my fire
Everything you drop is so tired
Music is supposed to inspire
So, how come we ain’t getting no higherLauryn Hill – Superstar – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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