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Letra Música Mr. Intentional – Lauryn Hill

Mr. Intentional
Yeah…Yeah…Yeah…Yeah… You see the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Can’t you tell the way they have to mention
How they helped you out, you’re such a hopeless victim
Please don’t do me any favors, Mr. Intentional.

All their talk is seasoned to perfection
The road they walk commanding your affection
They need to be needed, deceived by motivation, an opportunity to further situation
Why they’re so important is without explanation
Please don’t patronize me, Mr. Intentional… Oh…

We give rise to ego, by being insecure
The advice that we go desperately searching for
the subconscious effort to support our paramour
Too engaged in denial, to admit we’re immature
Validating lies, Mr. Intentional… Oh…

Open up your eyes, Mr. Intentional…

Stuck in a system that seeks to suck your blood
Held emotionally hostage by what everybody does
Counting all the money that you give them just because
Exploiting ignorance in the name of love
Stop before you drop because that’s just the way it was
Please don’t justify me, Mr. Intentional
So one-dimensional, Mr. Intentional

Don’t you do me any favors

Wake up you’ve been sleeping, take up your bed and walk
Stop blaming other people, it’s nobody else’s fault
Accept the truth about you
You know that life goes on without you and Your expensive misinventions, disguising your intentions
Don’t worship my hurt feelings, Mr. Intentional

See I know you can’t help me, Mr. Intentional
The only help I need to live is unprofessional
The only wealth I have to give is not material
And if you need much more than that – I’m not available

Please don’t entertain me, Mr. Intentional
I don’t need your sympathy, Mr. Intentional
Stay away from me, Mr. Intentional
So one-dimensional, Mr. Promotional, Mr. Emotional, Mr. Intentional…Lauryn Hill – Mr. Intentional – Ouvir Música

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