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Letra Música The Worst – Jhené Aiko

Tell me whatcha say now
Tell me whatcha say
Come again
If you cannot stay down
Then you do not have to pretend
Like there is no way out
I shoulda never let you in
‘Cause you got me face down
And don’t take it personal
But you’re the worst
You know what you’ve done to me
And although it hurts I know
I just can’t keep runnin’ away

I don’t need you
But I want you
I don’t mean to
But I love you

Tell me whatcha say now
Tell me whatcha say
You said that you would come again
You said that we would remain friends but
You know that I do not depend on
Nothing or no one
So why would you show up
So uninvited then
Just change my mind like that

Please don’t take this personal
But you ain’t shit
And you weren’t special
Till I made you so
You better act like you know
That I been through worse than you
I just can’t keep runnin away (I can’t keep runnin away)
(But I don’t need you)

I don’t need you
But I want you (but I want you)
I don’t mean to
But I love you (love)

Everybody’s like
He’s no item
Please don’t like em
He don’t wife em
He one nights em
I never listen no
I should have figured though
All that shit you was spittin’ so unoriginal

But it was you
So I was with it
And tell you the truth
Wish we never did it
‘Cause I usually do
Stick to the business
But you came out the blue
And then you just flipped it

God damn baby
My mind’s blown
I be forgettin’
You live in a different time zone
I think I know what this is
It’s just the time’s wrong
And yeah, I know what you did
But baby I’m grown

And my love is patient
And kind, and shit
If this is real we can build
And do different types of shit
If you was really the realest
Wouldn’t be fightin’ it
I think your pride is just
In the way (like a bitch)

Funny how everything changed
Once you got all that you wanted
Nothing was ever the same

I don’t need you
I still want you
I don’t mean to
But I
But I love you

I don’t need you
But I want you
I don’t mean to
But I love youJhené Aiko – The Worst – Ouvir Música

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