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Letra Música You’ll Never See Me Again – Adele

In the darkness of my heart
Is a shadow of your face
From the deepest part of my regret
I hear the words I wish I’d said
At the dawning of the day
I can’t barely see the light
Make up memories in my head
They help to fill the emptiness you’ve left
I can’t drown in your tears
I won’t face your fears
I need to fight my own

You’ll never see me again
I’ll be back in time
Let the waves take me under
I know I’ll survive
You’ll never see me again

At the dawning of the day
I can’t barely see the light
Make up memories in my head
They help to fill the emptiness you’ve left
I can’t drown in your tears
I won’t face your fears
I need to fight my own

You’ll never see me again
I’ll be back in time
Let the waves take me under
I know I’ll survive
Let the floor beneath of me fall
Let the sky come crashing down
Turn all my right to wrong
But after you, life goes on

You’ll never see me again
I’ve been learning to live without you now
It’s taken all of my strength
But I’m stronger now

You’ll never see me again
I’ll be back in time
Let the waves take me under
I know I’ll survive
Let the floor beneath of me fall
Let the sky come crashing down
Turn all my right to wrong
But after you, life goes on

You’ll never see me again
You’ll never see me again
You’ll never see me againAdele – You’ll Never See Me Again – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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