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Letra Música Rumour Has It – Adele

She, she ain’t real
She ain’t gonna be able
To love you like I will
She is a stranger
You and I have history
Or don’t you remember?
Sure, she’s got it all
But, baby, is that really what you want?

Bless your soul
You’ve got your head in the clouds
She made a fool out of you
And, boy, she’s bringing you down

She made your heart melt
But you’re cold to the core
Now rumour has it
She ain’t got your love anymore

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh

She is half your age
But I’m guessing that’s the reason that you stayed
I heard you’ve been missing me

You’ve been telling people
Things you shouldn’t be
Like when we creep out
And she ain’t around
Haven’t you heard the rumours?

Bless your soul
You’ve got your head in the clouds
You made a fool out of me
And, boy, you’re bringing me down

You made my heart melt
Yet I’m cold to the core
But rumour has it
I’m the one you’re leaving her for

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh

All of these words whispered in my ear
Tell a story that I cannot bare to hear
Just ‘cause I said it
It don’t mean that I meant it

People say crazy things
Just ‘cause I said it
Don’t mean that I meant it
Just ‘cause you heard it

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh

Rumour has it, ooh
Rumour has it, ooh
But rumour has it
He’s the one
I’m leaving you forAdele – Rumour Has It – Ouvir Música

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