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Letra Música When We Were Younger – SOJA

I never really got why we’re here

Just look at all we build in our lives and we all disappear

A few of us are born with so much

While most of us just chasing down a dream that we just can’t touch

So why we try so hard in this place?

When pain and suffering is a guarantee and happiness is a phase

I wonder if one day we’re at peace

Or will this whole world just become like the Middle East?

But when I was younger, when I was younger

I had the answers, I’ve gotta say

But all of my answers, now that I’m older

Turned into questions, in front of me

I wonder where we go when we die

If there is anything past our lost sun and our sky

‘Cause airports only take us so high

Is it hidden in the stars?

What’s the answer to your soul lying?

I wonder do we get to come back

I wonder if I will remember these questions I’ve asked

Or will I just start over again?

I hope it’s not too hard to find all of my old friends

But when we were younger, when we were younger

I had the answers, I’ve gotta say

But all of my answers, now that I’m older

Turned into questions, in front of me

But when we were younger, when we were younger

I had the answers, I’ve gotta say

But all of my answers, now that I’m older

Turned into questions, in front of me

I wonder if we get one true love

Or maybe there’s a few out there or maybe not even one

I wonder if it’s made up by man

I wonder if love is what we make with our own two hands

I wonder why I write all these songs

I wonder if you know what I’m saying when you sing along

And will you know my name when I’m gone

Or are you just too sick of these love songs?

But when we were younger, when we were younger

I had the answers, I’ve gotta say

But all of my answers, now that I’m older

Turned into questions, in front of me

But when we were younger, when we were younger

I had the answers, I’ve gotta say

But all of my answers, now that I’m older

Just turned into questions right in front of me, yeah

Right in front of me

In front of me

Everything changes in front of me


SOJA – When We Were Younger – Ouvir Música

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