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Letra Música Thunderstorms – SOJA

I don’t know one thing about you not

Knowing a thing about me

‘Cause we drop down into all your

Thunderstorms and claim it’s not

Your lightning

And now the fire is gone in my eyes

They grow cold for a while

And I’don’t feel your heat

These words have been said

Over and around it, but

I don’t hear no talking, you’re talking

I’ll be stopping, I’ll be starting

I’ll be wondering why we don’t

Know what we do

I’m a be the same, even if I’m

Walking by myself

I’m just wondering why

I never ever saw us clearly

And clearly we’re both to blame

But silence and progress

Were my thing

And your thing was calling

My name

Now you can see your whole

Life without me

I’m quietly in mine without You

The distance and the loneliness

And the phone calls offsetting

Them, there’s some things what

I guess I can’t do, too

I’ll be stopping, I’ll be starting

I’ll be wondering why we don’t

Know what we do

I’m a be the same, even if I’m

Walking by myself

I’m just wondering why


My name remains the prisoner

Trapped in my world that’s gone

And I’m the only one

Who still lives here

And I’ve got all the lights off

Now you can stop and

Visit me in my cell

And we can talk if we’ve

Got the time

Then you can start to

Go on your way

‘Cause I believe I’ve found

I’ve found mine

So I’ll be stopping, I’ll be starting

I’ll be wondering why we don’t

Know what we do

I’m a be the same, even if I’m

Walking by myself

I’m just wondering why we don’t know

I’ll be stopping, I’ll be starting

I’ll be wondering why we don’t

Know what we do

I’m a be the same, even if I’m

Walking all alone

I’m just wondering why

SOJA – Thunderstorms – Ouvir Música

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