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Letra Música She Still Loves Me – SOJA

I know it’s hard now for you to see
You can’t change how it was
Or how is gonna be
I’m what she wants
You’re just what she needs
And if is she still loves me
She still loves me
Where is her sweater?
Is not in her car
Is not at her friend’s house
Is not at the bar
I think you better
Think with the heart
Take a look at yourself
And see how lucky you really are

I don’t believe in luck, after all
Neither does she
But you know that now
You should forget her
Cause I’ve got her heart
She hates the way that I tear it apart

I know it’s hard now for you to see
You can’t change how it was
Or how is gonna be
I’m what she wants
You’re just what she needs
And if is she still loves me
She still loves me

What did she do today?
What took her so long?
Where has she been to?
Where has she gone?
What does she think about
She sees the dawn?
When you feel her thinking
And rolling around

What does she talk about
When her father calls?
She says what you said
She tells her old man that you’re the one

What does she talk about
When her mother calls?
You don’t come up
You don’t come up at all

What do we do when life takes us so long?
Why we waste so much time? You know, I’ll never know
Why do we stay here, why do we go?
Why does everybody think that they can do both?

I know it’s hard now for you to see
You can’t change how it was
Or how is gonna be
I’m what she wants
You’re just what she needs
And if is she still loves me
She still loves me

I know it’s hard now for you to see
Cause you can’t change a thing about how it use to be
And I’m what she wants
And you are just she needs
But she still loves, she still loves me
She still loves me

SOJA – She Still Loves Me – Ouvir Música

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