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Letra Música Don’t Know What It Means – Tedeschi Trucks Band

When the Sun comes shining through
Lighting up what’s left of you
And you put it all aside for another day
Pick it up and rearrange it
Though you know that you won’t change it
Cause you’ve always been a stranger anyway
Now you left your window open
Just to keep your spirit rolling
But you’re hoping that your mind will close the door
Take it up two steps higher
When you’re drowning in the fire
The hope you had helped you on along the way

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soul

Now don’t make your move too early
Or you’ll show up in a hurry
You can fall down and surely lose your way
Heaven help you if you mean it
Cause there’s those that would defeat it

They can turn you around and take it all away
Now don’t look down in the dirt
Just to find out what you’re worth
Cause that song and dance was never worth the time
So work hard and do it right
Learn to speak up and to fight
The truth is gonna beat them down the line

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soul

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soul

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soul

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soul

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soul

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soul

If the story feels exactly like a dream
Don’t know what it means
Things ain’t what they seem
And you can’t just turn the page and let it go
Things that you’ve been told
Are deep down in your soulTedeschi Trucks Band – Don’t Know What It Means – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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