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Letra Música For A Friend – Phil Collins

When I saw him last He had that look in his eyes I said: “do you need to talk?” He said: “no”So I called him up Asked him again and I waited a while He began to speak Then he started to cryYou know some things are best left unspoken Somethings just never work out And sometimes Seems you try and you try and whatever you do There´s a fix that you´re in and you just can´t get outHe said “I need your help, I need it now! Give me the strength to go on!”Well I didn´t know why But I knew that something was wrong He still had his pride He´d tell me in timeBut this feeling inside Kept eating at me I was losing a friend And I had to know whyWhen I heard his voice on the phone I knew it was bad news So I rushed to be by his sideWe said goodbye for the last time I gently hugged him Kissed him goodbyeHe whispered: “I need you help I need it now! Give me the strenght to go on!”We were always laughing Just remember laughing mama We were always laughingOh I need your help I need it now Give me the strength to go onWell as time goes by And it all becomes clear We see the distant We see the lightSo I asked myself over and over and over again What did they know And what did they hideFools..give it to me..stop laughing Fools..turn it awaySometimes When I think of my friend with that look in his eyes And if they told the truth He might been here todayOh I need your help I need it know Just give me the strength to go onWe were always laughing Just remember the laughing We were always laughing It´s just we need it nowPhil Collins – For A Friend – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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