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Letra Música Axes – The Slackers

What did you say when you know you are right?
What do you say when you know you are wrong?
What do you say when you stand up and fight?
What chances are it’s the name of this song? So…
It doesn’t seem so accidental, but
When you hit your head, your axes they fall. And that’s all.
They call me mean and temperamental, but
When you hit your head, your axes they fall. And that’s all.

You hit your head when you get too high,
You hit your head when you grow too tall.
You hit your head when you stand, and don’t know why,
You hit your head and I guess that is all. So…

It shouldn’t seem so accidental
That when you hit your head, your axes they fall. And that’s all.
You call me mean and temperamental, but
When you hit your head, your axes they fall. Your axes they fall, and that’s all.

Well, people say that you’re such a saint,
When you and I, we know that you ain’t.
Well, heaven knows that the devil’s alive
In your smile and your soft demeana.

So should it seem so accidental, but
That you hit your head, and axes they fall? And that’s all.
You call me mean, inconsequential,
Oh, couldn’t you hit your head, your axes they fall. Oh, and that’s all.

Oh, your axes they fall,
Yes, your axes just fall. And that’s, and that’s all.
And that’s all, and that’s all.
And that’s all, and that’s all.

Oh, no! It doesn’t, it doesn’t seem so…
It doesn’t, no! Doesn’t it seem so…?
Oh, what a pity that it doesn’t seem so…
That your axes they just…The Slackers – Axes – Ouvir Música

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