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Letra Música Light On – Sublime with Rome

I’m always in a race like I’m running out of space
I’m just trying to do it great mama
It wouldn’t hurt to call you, say I’m coming home soon
But we know it ain’t true now
I never see my friends, man, I can’t even pretend
Like I even know their kids now
I missed some graduations, never took vacations
Been living on the road these days
Some people, some people, some people say
True love grows deeper from miles away
Four in the morning I’m lying awake
Thinking about how it used to be

For me, you leave the light on (the light on)
You keep guiding me home
I’ve been broke down and tired (so tired)
You keep guiding me home
Always (always) waiting (waiting) for my call, I’m praying
For me, you leave, the light on (the light on)
You keep guiding me home

Every single day I can see it from the stage
I’m surrounded by my fate mama
These people really know me, maybe not the old me
Whose really the homie now?
What started as a seed, has so quickly turned to greed
I’m just trying to be me mama
I just wanted to go and do what they said I can’t do
It’s funny how my life turned out

Some people, some people, some people say
True love grows deeper from miles away
Four in the morning I’m out here awake
Thinking about how it used to be

For me, you leave the light on (the light on)
You keep guiding me home
I’ve been broke down and tired (so tired)
You keep guiding me home
Always (always) waiting (waiting) for my call, I’m praying
For me, you leave, the light on (the light on)
You keep guiding me home

Sometimes I swear I hear your voice right through the silence
So sing it loud, I know it’s hard but you know I’m gonna find ya, I’ll figure it out
Sometimes I swear I hear your voice right through the silence
Keep singing loud, you know I, don’t you know (you know) you find it

For me, you leave the light on
You keep guiding me home
I’ve been such a broken child
But you keep guiding me home

For me, you leave the light on (the light on)
You keep guiding me home
I’ve been broke down and tired (so tired)
You keep guiding me home
Always (always) waiting (waiting) for my call, I’m praying
For me, you leave, the light on (the light on)
You keep guiding me homeSublime with Rome – Light On – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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